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  • This page shows the Events planned for and held in Belgium during World Space Week
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2024 mapped events can be seen here: 2024 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Year Map Details


Belgium Brabant Brussels S2S4 - Space for a Safer World 2024 Event Details


Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen Gent Nacht van de duisternis 2021 - stargazing vanuit de campus Schoonmeersen Zuid 2021Y Event Details


Belgium Joseph Aschbacher ESA Earth Observation Director, Space Now Virtual Investor Forums with ESA 2020 2020 Event Details
Belgium Switch to Space ll 2020 Event Details
Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen Gent Nacht van de duisternis 2020: stargazing vanuit campus Schoonmeersen Zuid 2020Y Event Details


Belgium Antwerp Mol Topical Day | Animal models in space research 2019 Event Details
Belgium Oost vlaanderen B-9150 Kruibeke QinetiQ Open Day 2019Y Event Details


Belgium Scientix activities during the World Space Week 2018 2018Y Event Details
Belgium Antwerp Space Wonders for 8-year olds 2018 Event Details
Belgium Brussels From School to the Stars 2018 Event Details
Belgium Brussels Region Brussels Switch to Space 2018Y Event Details


Belgium 2400 Mol 25 years of Belgians in Space 2017Y Event Details
Belgium Brussels BISB Space Week 2017 Event Details
Belgium Antwerp Antwerp Sun, Earth, Moon: Introduction to the wonders of the solar system. 2017 Event Details
Belgium Antwerp Mol Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees 2017 Event Details
Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen Ghent Space Exploration Festival 2017 Event Details


Belgium Thema-avond: Lichthinder in Vlaanderen en in Nederland 2016 Event Details
Belgium Brussels Around the Curriculum in Space 2016 Event Details
Belgium Brussels Nuit de l'Obscurite 2016 Event Details
Belgium Hainaut Charleroi 17e Nuit des Étoiles 2016Y Event Details
Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen Gent Light pollution in Flanders and the Netherlands 2016Y Event Details


Belgium Brussels Discovering Space at BISB 2015 Event Details
Belgium Brussels Space Quiz 2015Y Event Details
Belgium Ghent An inquiry about Mars 2015Y Event Details
Belgium West Vlaanderen Oostende We gaan naar Mars ! Maar waarom ? 2015 Event Details


Belgium Announcing the auction of the first spaceselfie for charity 2014 Event Details
Belgium Space Pole Open Doors 2014Y Event Details
Belgium Brussels A Night Under the Stars 2014 Event Details
Belgium Brussles World Space Week BISB 2014 Event Details
Belgium Ghent ESA and the European Galileo satellite navigation program 2014Y Event Details


Belgium Year 6 BISB Space Week 2013 Event Details
Belgium Brussels Let's go to Mars 2013 Event Details
Belgium Grimbergen World Space Week 2013Y Event Details
Belgium 1030 Brussels Year 6 BISB Space Week 2013 Event Details
Belgium Brussels Brussels Year 6 British International School of Brussels 2013 Event Details
Belgium Luxembourg Transinne Space Classes 2013Y Event Details
Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen Ghent Lecture 'Mars, our litle brother', and stargazing night 2013Y Event Details
Belgium West Vlaanderen Oostende Het MDRS avontuur 2013Y Event Details


Belgium NY uhiqnl 2008 Event Details

Other Years:  2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

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