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  • This page shows the Events planned for and held in Poland during World Space Week
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2025 mapped events can be seen here: 2025 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Year Map Details


Poland Śląskie Kamieniec WSW Poland 2023 / Gliwice NightSky Observation - Astronomy for Space Sector 2023 Event Details
Poland Śląskie Zabrze World Space Week Poland 2023 2023Y Event Details
Poland Lower Silesian Wroclaw World Space Week Wrocław 2023Y Event Details
Poland Mazowsze Grodzisk Mazowiecki Obserwacje wybuchów plazmy na Słońcu w H-Alpha - WORLD SPACE WEEK 2023 2023 Event Details
Poland pomorskie Gdansk Światowy Tydzień Przestrzeni Kosmicznej 2023 Event Details
Poland Wielkopolskie Kolo The role and importance of water on Earth and in space - ESERO 2023Y Event Details
Poland województwo łódzkie Zgierz Kopernik i Kosmos. 2023Y Event Details


Poland online Space and Sustainability discussion panel 2022 Event Details
Poland Dolnośląskie Głogów Niebieski ocena nieba. Przestrzeń kosmiczna przyjazna ludziom 2022Y Event Details
Poland lubuskie Wędrzyn The sky over Wędrzyn 2022Y Event Details
Poland Pomorskie Malbork Chopin The Space Concert 2022Y Event Details
Poland Wielkopolskie Kolo View of Earth from the International Space Station 2022Y Event Details
Poland województwo łódzkie Zgierz Co nam daje Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna? 2022 Event Details


Poland I am a woman of the Universe - Meet Space It Design 2021 Event Details
Poland Śląskie / Silesia Zabrze World Space Week Poland 2021 2021Y Event Details
Poland łódzkie Łódź Światowy Tydzień Kosmosu 2021Y Event Details
Poland Mazowieckie Ostrów Mazowiecka Klasowa Gwiazda 2021Y Event Details
Poland pomorskie Gdansk World Space Week (pl: Światowy Tydzień Kosmosu) 2021 Event Details
Poland Wielkopolskie Koło EarthKAM Mission Gallery - Memories of Sally Ride, the first American astronaut in space 2021Y Event Details
Poland woj. Warmińsko-Mazurskie Elbląg Kosmiczny wieczór z Lemem 2021 Event Details


Poland lodzkie Lodz World Space Week 2020 - Satellites Improve Life 2020 Event Details
Poland Lower Silesian Wrocław World Space Week Wrocław 2020 2020Y Event Details
Poland Mazowieckie Ostrów Mazowiecka From kindergarten into space 2020Y Event Details
Poland pomorskie Gdańsk Space Week in Hevelianum 2020Y Event Details
Poland Slaskie Marklowice World Space Week in Primary School No. 1 in Marklowice 2020 Event Details
Poland Wielkopolskie Koło Pośród Galaktyki Spojrzeń cz. IV 2020Y Event Details


Poland Lower Silesian Wrocław World Space Week Wrocław 2019 2019Y Event Details
Poland pomorskie Gdańsk To the stars! 2019Y Event Details
Poland warmińsko - mazurskie Biesal The Moon: Gateway to the stars 2019Y Event Details
Poland Woj.Wielkopolskie Koło The Moon 2019Y Event Details


Poland Krasnik Day of Astronomy. 2018 Event Details
Poland Radom Astronomy Day 2018Y Event Details
Poland Lesser Poland Krakow Space Week Kraków 2018Y Event Details
Poland Lower Silesian Wrocław World Space Week Wrocław 2018 2018Y Event Details
Poland pomorskie Gdańsk Światowy Tydzień Przestrzeni Kosmicznej 2018Y Event Details
Poland Wielkopolska Koło EarthKAM Mission the Art Gallery 2018Y Event Details


Poland Lower Silesian Wroclaw World Space Week Wrocław 2017 2017Y Event Details
Poland pomorskie Gdańsk World Space Day 2017 2017Y Event Details
Poland Wielkopolska Kolo Akademia - Pośród Galaktyki Spojrzeń cz.3 2017Y Event Details
Poland Wielkopolska Ostrów Wielkopolski 7th Polish-Wide Conference of Contributors & Sympathizers in ARISS 2017Y Event Details


Poland dolnośląskie Wrocław Discover the Space 2016 Event Details
Poland Wielkopolska Koło Kosmiczne Foto 2016 Event Details


Poland Kraków Searching life in space - lectures and premiere of the movie "The Visit" 2015 Event Details
Poland dolnośląskie Legnica International Earthcache Day 2015 2015Y Event Details
Poland Pomorskie Gdansk Screening of “The Visit” film. 2015 Event Details
Poland Pomorskie Gdansk Young Astronauts! Astronautical workshop. 2015Y Event Details
Poland Wielkopolska Ostrów Wielkopolski 5th Polish-Wide Conderence of Contributors in ARISS Educational Program 2015Y Event Details


Poland Gdynia Space Week 2014 Celebrations: science show, workshops & exhibition 2014Y Event Details
Poland dolnośląskie Legnica Niech Ziemia będzie twoim nauczycielem -ECV5K 2014 2014 Event Details
Poland Wielkopolskie Ostrów Wielkopolski 4th Polish-Wide Conference of Contributors and Fans in the ARISS Educational Program 2014Y Event Details


Other Years:  2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

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